This assignment challenged us to ideate creative and attention-grabbing experiences to tell the world that Spotify has audiobooks. The experience had to be able to be implemented temporarily in a public area and have the potential for interactivity. Below is the initial brainstorming and sketching it inspired.
Poetic Moments
Poetic Moments
Book Search
Book Search
Bedtime Stories
Bedtime Stories
The concept I chose to flesh out more was Bedtime Stories. I felt that the image of a big cozy bed on the sidewalk of a bustling city would be worthy of a double take. The mean streets of New York are not topping any lists for 'Most Restful Locations', but I think this works to the benefit of the experience: thanks to Spotify and their vast library of audiobooks, passersby can now find solace in a place they previously could not. Below is my final concept board, intended to show proof of concept and accentuate the key elements of the experience. 
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