For this assignment, Professor Slayden challenged us to find an old, analog item and re-contextualize it to build a story.
I found this old Kitchen Aid at a thrift store. This item felt like a good choice because of what it represents: home, family, warmth, and comfort. I thought it would be interesting to take this Kitchen Aid, which had seen better days, and frame it in a way that challenged those preconceptions. Given that the motor within was still working great, I was intrigued to see how I could use it to enable the stand mixer to interact with the world around it.
Below is my first attempt at this assignment, which I would later revisit for my final assignment.
This next video, my final assignment, is a re-working of those same ideas but with the absurdity, morbidity, and anthropomorphization cranked to 11. We were challenged to enhance our original work through the use of the principles and strategies of the legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa. 
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